
Best 3 Difference Between C++ vs Python

7 min read
C++ vs Python

This blog will brief you about Python and C++ along with a comparison b/w C++ vs Python. If you are looking for a new programming language to learn, we assume that you have no prior experience, and this is why we will start by looking at the profession of a programmer and what advantages it offers.

Even if you are an experienced developer, this article will refresh your knowledge. After that, we will start exploring each programming language separately.

In the modern digital landscape, programming can be a lucrative and really fun way to develop your career. However, there are some serious challenges one needs to address before investing precious time in learning this skill.

The most important question for those who want to learn a new programming language from scratch is the choice of programming language, for example, Python or C++.

Before you make up your mind to start learning any language, you should understand its purpose. Making the right choice could be challenging, especially if you are a beginner. To make the language selection easier for you, in this article, we will analyze both Python and C++ and their functions.

Introduction: C++ vs Python

Firstly, the requirement of programmers. We are pretty sure that till now, you probably have heard about the shortage of developers in the IT labor market. All you need to do is a simple Google search for “developer job” or “programmer job,” and you’ll see an endless list of job opportunities. And this is closely integrated with the topic of Python or C++.

Every day, some new company becomes actively engaged in web development. All such companies require professional coders to develop their platforms. However, businesses do not require specialists in just one programming language. All the requirements depend on the project they are working on. Budding programmers often try to find out what each language is created for to determine whether it fits their goals before starting to learn it.

Moreover, do not forget about the salary received by the programmer. This is probably among the first topics that appear while considering whether or not to become a programmer.

The IT service field (or, more specifically, the computer science industry) has a reputation for being one of the most profitable industries. Software developers, web programmers, and data analysts are among the few professions that attract decent salary packages.

From the above, you can easily understand that programming offers a great career path with the best salary packages in the industry. By establishing that, let’s move on to comparing C++ vs Python and take each one apart first and start with Python.

What is Python?

Python is a general-purpose programming language created by Guido van Rossum back in 1991, whose primary function is the ease of reading. Simply put, simplicity is what Python is known for. It uses a lot of whitespaces, making codes easy to read, making for a nice and easy learning experience.

Due to its simplicity, Python is often the subject of controversy. You might be wondering – why so? Is simplicity not good? Although simplicity makes it easy to learn for beginners, experienced programmers have an entirely different opinion (this is a critical issue while comparing Python and C++).

Python is a high-level programming language. This suggests that a small amount of actual programming is involved – instead, most of Python’s syntax is written in everyday English language. Again, this is good news for budding developers who want to learn code from scratch. In the meantime, experienced programmers say that such a thing kills the whole spirit of programming. If the beginner takes the “easy path”, they will miss out on the opportunity to acquire overvalued skills in rational thinking, problem-solving, and learning the basic foundation upon which the whole IT industry is built.

Albeit the question of Python or C++ remains open, the Python language has an essential feature. It is suitable for all sorts of projects – this programming language is very versatile. Web development, data processing, software development – whatever you want!

This was all the basic information about Python that we needed while comparing Python or C++. Now let’s move on and consider the C++ language.

What is C++?

Similar to Python, C++ is also a general-purpose object-oriented programming language that is used for solving everyday tasks and is highly adaptable. The object-oriented feature is essential (comparing Python or C++, both languages have this feature). This suggests that the programming language is more or less object-oriented and allows working faster and more efficiently.

The C++ programming language was the brainchild of a scientist named Bjarne Stroustrup, who created it in 1979. Albeit, in the beginning, the language was known as “C with classes,” the name was later changed to “C++” with the addition of several new features in 1983. Also, be mindful of the fact that this is a super short version of how the C++ language came to be – there’s an entire backstory behind it, but this is not the right place to go in detail.

In terms of simplicity, the C++ programming language is the opposite of Python. As a matter of fact, it is considered one of the most challenging (if not the most difficult) programming languages. The extremely-complex syntax of C++ allows it to be extremely flexible, and this is why it is often chosen for projects that are being developed for multiple platforms at the same time.

C++ is an object-oriented programming language, which allows it to execute processes while ignoring small, less important details. In simple words, these programming languages have certain specific features that allow them to understand the context behind the task without necessarily going deep into the details. Such a thing especially speeds up the processes performed using these languages. Nowadays, most top-level programming languages are object-oriented.

So, now after getting the basic knowledge of programming languages, we can move on to their comparison and disassemble them according to certain criteria.

C++ vs Python: Analysis Criteria

While comparing both the C++ vs Python programming languages to save time, we will consider some of the most important criteria. In this article, we will consider three points: speed, popularity, and developer salary. Now, let’s look at these points separately:


Speed When it comes to the speed of Python or C++, this is among the most discussed questions on the forums while comparing both the programming languages.

Moreover, there’s a reason behind such occurrences! In today’s competitive environment, a good programming language must be fast; otherwise, it will be inefficient and unable to compete with other languages available in the market. When we consider Python and C++, both these languages interact quite quickly, and there is no difference in terms of speed.

Popularity While this criterion may seem insignificant at first glance, it is actually really necessary for our comparison. Now we will elaborate.

Popularity suggests that the programming language does everything right. At the end of the day, if a programming language is useless, then no one would use it, right?

In addition, learning a popular programming language is much easier and more enjoyable than one that no one uses and for which there is no demand in the IT-sphere. The development and learning of programming languages are related to Internet resources and communities. In the case of unpopular languages, finding a person willing to share information is not only difficult, sometimes relevant information can not be found on the Internet at all. Although it is a challenging criterion in grading, it is evident that both Python and C++ have a considerable fan following over the Internet.

Programmers salariesUndoubtedly, this is among the most important points. As mentioned at the beginning of the article, computer programming is indeed a very lucrative profession. However, developers in different programming languages also have different salary packages.

There are various reasons for such occurrences: some organizations have certain requirements for language proficiency, while others do not have specific requirements. Nevertheless, the fact remains- not all programming languages have the same salary. According to the reports by, Python programmers can expect to earn an average of $ 92,000 per year, and C++ developers are expected to earn around $ 95,000 per year.

Conclusion on C++ vs Python

So, now we have arrived at the end of our Python vs C++ comparison. Have you managed to choose between the two? Or are you still confused?

To put the record straight, both C++ vs Python programming languages have their pros and cons. When we compare both programming languages, it all boils down to your preferences. Both languages are quite popular with tons of resources available to start your learning journey.