
Load Pickled bloom_filter Object in Python

8 min read

Looking for how to load Pickled bloom_filter object in Python programming?

The need might arise to persist the state of an object in order to save it for future use, or probably transfer that information to another computer. There are several ways this could be accomplished in Python; one way is by making use of the pickle module.

The pickle module provides functions that enable serialization and deserialization of any object tree. In this article, we will demonstrate briefly how to pickle/unpickle objects with this module. After that, we will focus on how to load a pickled bloom filter in Python. So, let’s begin our exploration by first reviewing what pickling is in Python.

Python’s pickle module

Pickling is the process of converting an object into a byte stream, that is then saved into a file (or database).

Loading the pickled object back from storage is called Unpickling.

Python’s pickle module provides the means for us to carry out these operations on an object.

An example of pickling/serializing an object hierarchy is as follows:

import pickle

with open('data.pkl', 'wb') as file:
    # create a list of names
    names = ['Emma', 'Liam', 'Sofia', 'Mohammed', 'Mia', 'Hiroshi', 'Ava']

    # Pickle the object and write it to the file
    pickle.dump(names, file)

In the above example, we are serializing the names list to a file by making use of the pickle module.

First, we had to import the pickle module.

Then we open the file we want to save the serialized data to by using the open() function in 'wb' mode.

Finally, we pickle the object by making use of the pickle.dump() function.

The first argument is the object you want to pickle (names list), and the second argument is the file or stream where you want to write the pickled data.

In order to load the object back from the pickle file (that is, to unpickle, or deserialize a pickled object), we need to do the following:

with open('data.pkl', 'rb') as file:
    # Unpickle the object from the file
    names = pickle.load(file)

We need to first open the file for reading in binary mode (if the pickled object was stored in a file) using the open() function. Finally, we call the load() function from the pickle module, and pass the file we are trying to unpickle/deserialize. The result of a call to load() is the deserialized object, which we store in the names variable.

We have seen how to load a pickled list from a file. We can do the same for pretty much any data structure. The next kind of data structure we want to consider in this article is a bloom filter. ‘

But first, let us get a brief overview of bloom filters before we continue.

Understanding Bloom Filters in Python

A Bloom filter is a probabilistic, space-efficient data structure used to determine if a particular item is present in a set or not. They offer a solution to the problem of testing the membership of an item in a very large dataset because they do not need to store the items in the dataset themselves.

With a Bloom filter, we can easily test an element for membership without actually storing the element(s) in the data structure. This becomes particularly useful when memory consumption becomes a concern.

Since it is internally implemented using a bit array and hash functions, bloom filters can quickly determine set membership.

Bloom filters are also probabilistic data structures because they can return false positives.

However, they never return false negatives. In other words, when we ask for the set membership of an item, it can return true, telling us that an element exists in the set (when it actually does not exist). Further, when it returns false, it is 100% accurate (no false negatives). The more elements in a bloom filter, the more frequently we get false positives.

Bloom filters have several useful applications, which include:

  • Username availability checks
  • Weak password detection
  • IP blocking
  • Malicious URL identification
  • Spell-checking dictionaries
  • Efficient database queries for non-existent elements

Load Pickled bloom_filter Object- Python

In order to demonstrate how to load a pickled bloom filter, we need to first define one.

Below is the source code of a simple bloom filter structure in Python:

import hashlib

class BloomFilter:
    def _hash1(bf, item):
        hashed_item = hashlib.sha256(item.encode()).hexdigest()
        return int(hashed_item, 16) % bf.size

    def _hash2(bf, item):
        hashed_item = hashlib.md5(item.encode()).hexdigest()
        return int(hashed_item, 16) % bf.size

    def _hash3(bf, item):
        hashed_item = hashlib.sha1(item.encode()).hexdigest()
        return int(hashed_item, 16) % bf.size

    hash_funcs = [_hash1, _hash2, _hash3]

    def __init__(self, size):
        self.size = size
        self.num_hash_functions = 3
        self.bit_array = [False] * size
        self.items_count = 0

    def add(self, item):
        for i in range(self.num_hash_functions):
            index = BloomFilter.hash_funcs[i](self, item)
            self.bit_array[index] = True

        self.items_count += 1

    def __contains__(self, item):
        for i in range(self.num_hash_functions):
            index = BloomFilter.hash_funcs[i](self, item)

            if not self.bit_array[index]:
                return False

        return True

Let us quickly go through the code to understand its functionality:

The BloomFilter class makes use of hash algorithms defined in the hashlib module to generate hash values for items. The class defines three static methods, _hash1, _hash2, and _hash3, that take an item as input and generate a hash value for the input. Each method makes use of a different hashing algorithm (sha256, md5, and sha1) from the hashlib module to generate values.

To insert an item into the bloom filter, an add method is provided for this purpose. It computes hash values for the item to be inserted using each of the three hash methods. Then, it sets the corresponding bits in the list to True, and increments items_count to indicate a new item has been added.

Finally, we overloaded the dunder __contains__ method to help us check if an item can be found in the bloom filter.

Here’s an example of how to make use of the Python bloom filter we just implemented:

bloom_filter = BloomFilter(10)

# Add items to the Bloom filter
print(f"after adding 'apple': {bloom_filter.bit_array}")

print(f"after adding 'banana': {bloom_filter.bit_array}")

print(f"after adding 'cherry': {bloom_filter.bit_array}")

# check number of items inserted so far
print(f"number of items added: {bloom_filter.items_count}")

# Check membership
print(f"{'apple' in bloom_filter = }")
print(f"{'grape' in bloom_filter = }")

This code snippet instantiates a single bloom filter and carries out add and search operations with it. The bloom_filter object is first created with an array size of 10, then it adds three items to bloom_filter, and finally, it checks for membership. The output after executing the code snippet is shown below:

Python program output executing bloom_filter operations

What we need to do next is to pickle our bloom_filter, as the example below shows:

import pickle

# Pickle the bloom_filter object to a file
with open("fruit_bloom_filter.pkl", "wb") as file:
    pickle.dump(bloom_filter, file)

We first imported the module pickle to allow us access to the dump() function. Then we passed the bloom_filter object into dump() to pickle the bloom filter. The file name used was "fruit_bloom_filter.pkl". This is the necessary first step; we simply cannot unpickle what was not previously pickled!

Let us assume that, somewhere else, we wanted to get the serialized/pickled bloom filter from the file ("fruit_bloom_filter.pkl") into memory, we can use code that resembles the one below:

import pickle

# Unpickle the BloomFilter object from the file
with open("fruit_bloom_filter.pkl", "rb") as file:
    bloom_filter = pickle.load(file)

# Use the unpickled bloom_filter object
print(f"Unpickled Bloom filter: {bloom_filter.bit_array}")
print(f"Number of items added: {bloom_filter.items_count}")
print(f"{'apple' in bloom_filter = }")
print(f"{'grape' in bloom_filter = }")

The file "fruit_bloom_filter.pkl" containing the pickled bloom filter opened in binary read mode ('rb' mode), and then, the pickle.load() function is used to load (or, unpickle, or deserialize) the contents of the file back into a variable. The loaded bloom filter can then be used as desired. For example, we can view the internal array to confirm that the data is the same as the previously pickled bloom filter:

result of unpickled bloom_filter Object in Python

As seen in the output, the data is the same as the one pickled earlier.

Final Thoughts on bloom_filter Object in Python

Pickling/Unpickling has several advantages. For example, it is a convenient way to persist complex data structures in Python. Also, It requires minimal code and offers efficient storage.

On the other hand, there are several disadvantages of pickling/unpickling objects. The data stored in a pickle might be tampered with, or even corrupted. Also, loading data from untrusted sources could pose real security risks; what if the unpickled data is malicious code?

Therefore, one should be careful when using pickling as a method of storing and transferring data. If there is the possibility of security risk or data corruption, then alternative techniques should be used for secure and robust data storage and transfer.

In conclusion, by making use of Python’s pickle module, we can serialize and deserialize complex object trees with ease.

However, as stated earlier, care should be taken if there is a risk of data corruption, or the pickled data comes from untrusted sources. Specifically, we considered how to not only pickle a bloom filter but how to load the pickled bloom filter back from a file into memory.

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